[EBB Sightings] Oiled birds at Dumbarton Bridge DESFBNWR

[EBB Sightings] Oiled birds at Dumbarton Bridge DESFBNWR

Stephanie Floyd
Sat Nov 10 13:06:41 PST 2007
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    Just off the Dumbarton Bridge in Newark, near the
    fishing pier, the first bird I scoped at around 9 this
    morning was an oiled eared grebe.  The bird was not
    black with oil, but rather had dark brown streaks, was
    wet and matted-looking, an overall dirty appearance. 
    The bird preened non-stop for the entire hour+ that I
    was out there. Next bird was a Clark's grebe with oily
    streaks on its back; also constantly preening, but in
    better shape than the eared grebe.  I also saw a
    female scaup and a female surf scoter with some oil on
    them; both birds were preening a lot but also diving. 
    It was extremely frustrating to get nothing but a busy
    signal on the toll-free oiled birds hotline (877#) for
    over an hour!  Fortunately, a park ranger arrived on
    the scene, also scoping for oiled birds, and I was
    able to report the sightings to him.  He told me that
    they plan to put boats in the water to go after birds
    that are in trouble but haven't yet come to the shore.
    I hope everyone who can will go out and look for oiled
    birds and not give up on trying to find someone to
    report them to.  
    Stephanie Floyd
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