[EBB Sightings] Richmond Bay Trail Sightings

[EBB Sightings] Richmond Bay Trail Sightings

Sheila Dickie
Fri Nov 09 09:22:05 PST 2007
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    Yesterday, November 6, between 2:30-4 p.m., low tide,  I did a short walk along the Richmond Bay Trail, starting at Meeker Slough bridge and saw among usual residents: one Common Yellowthroat, a flock of American Pippits, a Belted Kingfisher and a White Tailed Kite.
      The yellowthroat was hanging out in the reeds in the part of the slough that winds inland around the Marina Bay condominiums (directions below). 
      The kite was atop a tree near a path that heads inland about half way down the trail between the slough and the Pt Isabel dog park. The kingfisher was flying near location of kite.  The pippits were in the marsh just south of the Richmond Field Station marsh, hanging out around some black plastic 'fences.'
      Directions to Meeker Slough:  From Berkeley/Oakland take 580 heading toward the Richmond Bridge.  Take the Marina Bay Parkway/S. 23rd Street exit.  At the end of the exit ramp make a left back over the freeway and continue on Marina Bay Parkway through the condo development.  Cross Regatta Blvd.  Keep going and take a left on Bayside, which is a deadend street.  Park at the end of the street and walk along a short path through some trees to the slough (location for yellowthroat).  Check out berry bushes there -- Fox Sparrows, Hermit Thrush and Ruby Crowned Kinglet among others are in residence.  Turn right to walk to the bridge, then south down the trail.
      Good birding.
      Sheila Dickie
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