[EBB Sightings] Point Pinole Wed Oct 31

[EBB Sightings] Point Pinole Wed Oct 31

Idell Weydemeyer
Thu Nov 01 18:07:27 PDT 2007
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    During an afternoon walk on Wednesday (with no binocs) in Point Pinole
    Regional Park, I bumped in to Dennis Rhodes. He had a long list of birds
    from his visit. Next time I will go early (or mid afternoon), take my
    binoculars (and look at the website bird list)! Seeing the blue birds and
    the meadowlarks there was new to me. I also did not know about the Northern
    Harriers or the possibility of a White-tailed Kite. 
    The walk through the center of the park out to the pier is about ? mile on a
    paved, mostly level road. The other trails are gravel or dirt
    Dennis told me he saw the following along the pier and the west side of the
    park on/along the bay:
    lots of Double-crested Cormorants
    4 Black Turnstones
    5 Black Oystercatchers
    some Clark?s Grebes
    quite a few Black-bellied Plovers
    1 Spotted Sandpiper
    Masses of Willets and Marble Godwits
    40-50 Scaup 
    2 Surf Scoters
    Lots of American Coots
    White Pelican
    In the inland areas in both the Eucalyptus groves and meadows 
     (no monarch butterflies yet)
    I also saw most of these too in a very short time.
    California Towhees (throughout the park) 
    Ruby Crowned Kinglet
    Western Scrub Jays
    White and Gold Crowned sparrows (throughout the park)
    Nuttall?s Woodpecker
    Red-shouldered Hawk (iw)
    Probably a Red-tailed Hawk  (iw)
    Possible Cooper?s Hawk
    Yellow-rumped Warbler
    At or near the pond (I saw all of these except the Harrier in five minutes
    when I was talking to Dennis) 
    5-6 Western Bluebirds
    4-5 Black Phoebes
    A lot of Juncos 
    Lots of sparrows
    Northern Harrier
    Close to the main cross road ? Pinole Meadows on Pt Pinole map  
    20-30 Western Meadow larks (these were all along the road)
    Possibly a White Tailed Kite (iw)
    Near the shore line just over the railraod bridge
    Great Blue Heron
     (no egrets today)
    Possibly an Osprey?Dennis went for a closer look as I was leaving.
    Idell Weydemeyer 
    El Sobrante

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