[EBB Sightings] Coyote Hills Sat.

[EBB Sightings] Coyote Hills Sat.

Mon Oct 15 10:13:14 PDT 2007
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    GGAS field trip to Coyote Hills Regional Park in Fremont also saw half a dozen or so Vaux's swift zooming around at about 11:00 AM Sunday along the road between the vistor's center and the quarry parking lot. We did not locate the blue gray gnatcatcher reported Thursday ourselves, but it was reported there around 11:30 AM. We also enjoyed a four warbler day (Wilson's, yellow-rumped, Townsend's and orange-crowned) and many waterfowl and white pelicans, despite the dry ponds near the visitor's center. Three identifiable species of raptors (WT kite, n. harrier and RT hawk, each with both adults and juveniles) and an unidentified falcon. Lastly, there were more hermit thrushes in every inch of appropriate habitat than I've ever seen in Coyote Hills before. Maybe this will be the thrush-of-the winter this year?
    Anne Hoff 
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