[EBB Sightings] Parasitic Jaeger continues at Berkeley Pier

[EBB Sightings] Parasitic Jaeger continues at Berkeley Pier

Laura Look
Sun Oct 14 16:04:28 PDT 2007
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    This morning (Sun., Oct 14) at about 11:15 am, a juvenile PARASITIC 
    JAEGER continued near the end of Berkeley Pier.
    We had been waiting and watching from the end of the publicly 
    accessible portion of the pier for about 15 minutes when we decided 
    to start walking back.  We had walked about 30 yards back down the 
    pier when the bird flew past us along the south side of the pier 
    within about 20 feet, providing superb if brief views of the 
    rusty-buffy plumage.  We returned to the end of the pier to watch it 
    make repeated passes at the abandoned section of the pier, disturbing 
    the roosting shorebirds into flight (perhaps they thought it was a 
    falcon?).  The roosting Forster's terns appeared oddly 
    unperturbed.  Eventually, the jaeger lit on the bay fairly far along 
    the old pier, becoming just a distant dark spot bobbing on the water.
    Later, the male EURASIAN WIGEON was seen among the Americans at 
    Albany mudflats.  The best birds seen from Albany Bulb were 2 or 3 
    first-of-season American Pipits.
    Good birding,
    Laura Look
    Pinole, CA

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