[EBB Sightings] Livermore big day

[EBB Sightings] Livermore big day

William Clark
Fri Sep 28 17:43:03 PDT 2007
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    Inspired by Bob Power's recent Big Day, I decided to
    do a mini-big day, seeing how many species I could see
    in the Livermore valley in the six hours I had
    available while the kids were in school.
    Saw 61 species. Notably missed burrowing owls, despite
    hitting the hot spots.
    Driving thru Livermore:
    Amer. Crow
    Lesser Goldfinch	
    Mourn. Dove	
    Rock Pigeon	
    Brewers Black	
    Turkey Vulture	
    Amer. kestrel	
    eur. starling	
    ring billed gull		
    house sparrow
    Along Mines Rd
    yellow bill magpie	
    Red tail hawk
    common raven	
    white crowned sparrow	
    golden crowned sparrow	
    house finch	
    western scrub jay	
    western bluebird	
    nor. mockingbird	
    amer. robin	
    anna's hummingbird	
    calif. towhee	
    red shouldered hawk	
    eur collared dove (Murietta's Well Winery)	
    oat titmouse	
    praire falcon (MP 5.75)
    At Del Valle (Eagle's view picnic area and from the
    great egret
    great blue heron	
    western grebe	
    amer. coot	
    greater yellowlegs	
    black phoebe	
    yellow rumped warbler	
    Dbl crested cormorant	
    nutall's woodpecker	
    spotted towhee	
    golden crowned kinglet	
    chestnut backed chickadee	
    steller's jay	
    acorn woodpecker	
    northern flicker
    Around Raymond & May School Rd area in North
    western meadowlark	
    red wing blackbird	
    say's phoebe	
    golden eagle	
    logg. shrike	
    savannah sparrow
    Tassajara Creek Regional trail
    wilsons warbler	
    ruby crowned kinglet
    Shadow Cliffs Reg. Park
    calif. Quail	
    canada goose	
    pied billed grebe	
    common moorhen	
    orange crowned warbler	
    bewick's wren	
    song sparrow	
    VA hospital
    wild turkey
    Bill Clark
    Livermore, CA
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