[EBB Sightings] Flamingo & more-Coyote Hills-GGAS Bicycle Bird-Sat Aug 2

[EBB Sightings] Flamingo & more-Coyote Hills-GGAS Bicycle Bird-Sat Aug 2

kathy jarrett
Sat Aug 04 22:03:49 PDT 2007
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    Quarry Lakes/Alameda Creek/Coyote Hills GGAS Bicycle Birding Trip
    Fremont, Alameda County - Saturday, August 4, 2007
    Leader: Kathy Jarrett
    Trip Report: Seven of us covered 23 miles from the Fremont BART Station
    to the Shoreline Trail and back. The Shoreline Trail skirts the salt
    ponds west of Coyote Hills EBRP, and was where we saw an amazing number
    of birds including both resident pelican species, Forster?s and Least
    Terns, Western Sandpipers, DC Cormorant, GB Heron, Great and Snowy
    Egrets, Kildeer, Avocets and Stilts, Gr. Yellowlegs, Dowitchers, LB
    Curlew, Marbled Godwit, Gulls, Barn Swallows and one Flamingo which had
    been seen there once before by one of the participants. It was one of
    those rare days when the wind was light enough to make it pleasant,
    although we could have done without the smell. 
    Pied-billed Grebe
    Western Grebe
    Clark's Grebe
    American White Pelican
    Brown Pelican
    Double-crested Cormorant
    Great Blue Heron
    Great Egret
    Snowy Egret
    Canada Goose
    Turkey Vulture
    White-tailed Kite
    Cooper's Hawk
    Red-tailed Hawk
    American Coot
    Black-necked Stilt
    American Avocet
    Greater Yellowlegs
    Long-billed Curlew
    Marbled Godwit
    Western Sandpiper
    Dowitcher sp.
    Ring-billed Gull
    Western Gull
    Forster's Tern
    Least Tern
    Rock Pigeon (I)
    Mourning Dove
    Anna's Hummingbird
    Nuttall's Woodpecker
    Black Phoebe
    Cliff Swallow
    Barn Swallow
    Western Scrub-Jay
    American Robin
    Northern Mockingbird
    European Starling (I)
    California Towhee
    Savannah Sparrow
    Red-winged Blackbird
    Brewer's Blackbird
    House Finch
    American Goldfinch
    kathy jarrett
    kathy_jarrett at yahoo.com
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