[EBB Sightings] Hayward Shoreline - Frank's Dump West 07-04-07

[EBB Sightings] Hayward Shoreline - Frank's Dump West 07-04-07

Sheila Junge
Thu Jul 05 20:34:45 PDT 2007
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    Birding conditions at Hayward Shoreline were about perfect on July 4th: warm
    with a light breeze.
    I spent several hours after 3 pm at Frank's Dump West (high tide was 6.8' at
    Birds seen included:
    Red Knots (both red and not) - southwest island
    Wilson's Phalarope (1) in alternate plumage - southwest island
    Surfbird (1) in alternate plumage - southwest island
    Least Terns (2) flyover
    Snowy Plovers (19) north end
    Whimbrels (3-4) north end
    Caspian Tern (1) flyover
    Western Sandpipers
    Semipalmated Plovers
    The usual suspects were also present - relatively small numbers compared to
    what we can expect later in the season.
    Sheila Junge
    Hayward, CA

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