[EBB Sightings] It Was a Shelduck

[EBB Sightings] It Was a Shelduck

Lynne Ehlers
Mon Jun 11 12:28:56 PDT 2007
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    I was very interested in the I.D. of this bird, as I came across the 
    same "mystery" bird last month when we were in Lhasa, Tibet: along the 
    banks of the  Bramaputra were what I swore looked like Ruddy Shelducks, 
    except for the same, whitish, heads.  In my Birds of China book, only 
    the males were pictured, so I wasn't sure they were what I thought they 
    were; this solves the mystery! Thank you!
    Lynne Ehlers
    On Wednesday, June 6, 2007, at 05:26 PM, Hilary Powers wrote:
    > A listmate sent the pix to Joseph Morlan, who identified the bird I 
    > saw yesterday at Lake Merritt as a female Ruddy Shelduck. The 
    > illustration in Sibley only shows the male; the female is very 
    > similar, but with a more whitish head and without the black collar.
    > It's a refugee from India or eastern Asia, probably by way of 
    > someone's captive flock. But well worth seeing - the world is full of 
    > hybrid mutt ducks that can look like nothing on earth, but one glimpse 
    > of this is enough to be sure that it's a species of its own and not a 
    > cross.
    > I gather it's still there; someone mentioned seeing it today.
    > -- 
    > - Hilary Powers - hilary at powersedit.com - Oakland CA -
    > -   Freelance copyediting and developmental editing  -
    > -      The edit you want, when you want it done.     -
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