[EBB Sightings] Wildcat Calliope

[EBB Sightings] Wildcat Calliope

Alan Howe
Sun Apr 22 15:35:50 PDT 2007
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    Hi, all.
      Yesterday--4/21--the male calliope hummingbird was
    still where he was first reported on Thursday. After
    trying to identify some skittish sparrows along the
    side of the road, I raised my binocs and there he was,
    plain as day, looking at me. Though he sat still long
    enough for me to get a good look, he soon flew and
    kept his distance after that. He does seem to consider
    that brushy area his territory, at least for now.
       Across the creek a male lazuli bunting has staked
    out a grassy area just south of the junction with the
    ____ Canyon trail (the name escapes me just now). He
    was singing loud and long and allowed some great
       Also seen or heard:
    wild turkey (calling from close by some cattle);
    Anna's hummingbird;
    scrub jay;
    mourning dove;
    band-tailed pigeon;
    house finch;
    turkey vulture;
    chestnut-backed chickadee;
    American goldfinch;
    possible Wilson's warbler;
    California towhee;
    song sparrow;
    barn swallow;
    unidentified buteo;
    probable black phoebe (just caught a quick glimpse);
    cormorant--unidentified; formation of 4 flying rather
    high in the sky, slowly circling up the canyon;
    lots of other birds, who's calls I don't yet know,
    singing in the woods and brush.
      I also one coyote who stayed a while in a grassy
    clearing near the bunting's territory.
    Alan Howe
    North Oakland
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