[EBB Sightings] Crockett Hills 4/19 Raptor Census

[EBB Sightings] Crockett Hills 4/19 Raptor Census

Harv and Monica
Thu Apr 19 16:45:50 PDT 2007
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    April 19, 2007
    Turkey Vulture 29
    Red-tailed Hawk 172
    Sharp-shinned Hawk 0
    Cooper's Hawk 1
    Northern Harrier 6
    Am. Kestrel 2
    Peregrine 0
    White-tailed Kite 8
    Golden Eagle 1
    Red-shouldered Hawk 1
    Osprey 1
    Unidentified Accip 0
    Unidentified Buteo 6
    Unidentified Raptor 5
    Total Count: 232
    Total Minutes: 120
    Raptors per Hour: 116
    Temp 51F-53F, Wind 240/3 mph becoming 240/11G13 mph, Sky broken cumulus,
    high overcast. Low pressure moving south offshore. Rain to north and
    Abundant lift and southwest wind.
    Crew: Laura Thomas, Harv Wilson. Todd Weaver also joined us and took some
    bird photography.
    Saw several groups of 5-15 RTs arriving from high altitude SSW. They tended
    to drop down on the northernmost hill to the south and then work along the
    shoreline to the hills near the shore to the north. If you are approaching
    the Carquinez Bridge from the north (Berkeley side), these are the hills you
    pass just after the refinery and just before the bridge. There is a replica
    of the Iwo Jima stature on the left side of the road on top of these hills.
    We continue to be conservative about double-counting. I estimate that we
    ignored about 15% of all sightings. 
    The Golden Eagle sighting was in the same location as the previous watches
    and is probably a local bird. Bill Surges who hikes these hills frequently
    and is a long-time birder stopped by and confirmed that a pair of Golden
    Eagles have been  in the neighboring canyon for several years. 
    Also, Laura spotted an RT landing in a tree on the south hills. I saw an RT
    land in the same part of this tree yesterday. We suspect this may be a
    nesting location. 
    We bailed after two hours due to wind and cold. The wind chill, according to
    the wind meter we have, was 39F. 
    Harv Wilson

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