[EBB Sightings] Crockett Hills Raptor Census 4/11

[EBB Sightings] Crockett Hills Raptor Census 4/11

Harv and Monica
Wed Apr 11 19:30:37 PDT 2007
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    April 11, 2007
    Turkey Vulture  35
    Red-tailed Hawk  274
    Sharp-shinned Hawk  2
    Cooper's Hawk   0
    Northern Harrier 6  
    Am. Kestrel  0
    Peregrine  0
    White-tailed Kite  6
    Golden Eagle  1
    Red-shouldered Hawk   0
    Osprey  1
    Unidentified Accip  0
    Unidentified Buteo  3
    Unidentified Raptor  51
    Total Count:  379
    Total Minutes:  240
    Raptors per Hour:  94.75
    Temp 56F-58F, Wind 270 9-15G20, Broken cumulus.
    Wind rose steadily throughout day. The count declined hour by hour from 118
    in the first hour to 69 in the last. Most arrivals were at low altitude and
    were using primarily ridge lift. Did see some birds at high altitude, but
    too far to identify. They are reflected in the unidentified raptor count. 
    Divided view-shed into sectors and kept count by sector by hour. Largest
    count, 209 (55%), was in the sector 130T to 240T. Will continue this for
    remainder of census.
    After the watch, I hiked over to the next ridge to the south. Much better
    view-shed. Can see far to the SW and SE. Will conduct remainder of the
    census from that location. It's about a 10 minute walk from the current
    Harv Wilson

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