[EBB Sightings] Yellow Billed Magpies nesting!

[EBB Sightings] Yellow Billed Magpies nesting!

Bethi Carver
Fri Mar 16 06:05:20 PDT 2007
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    Yesterday March 14 at 10am Bethel Island
    A pair of Yellow Billed Magpies nesting in a tree in the 2100 block of 
    Taylor Road on Bethel Island! There was also a Red Tailed Hawk preening in 
    the sun, and a Ladderbacked Woodpecker on a small tree right next to the 
    road. Other birds sighted in the hour were; 1 Northern Red-shafted Flicker, 
    dozens of Brewers and Red Winged Blackbirds, dozens of Barn Swallows, Cliff 
    Swallows. 3 pair Black Phoebes, 4 Scrub Jays and 6 Northern Mocking birds. 1 
    Male Ring-necked Pheasant. A pair of vocal Canadian Geese and a pair of 
    Western Meadowlarks. The water birds; 5 Coots, 12 Common Moorhens, 3 Great 
    Blue Herons, 2 Great Egrets, 1 belted kingfisher, 3 Green Herons, 15 Double 
    Crested Cormorants flying together, 4 mallards or mixed breed, the pair of 
    owls at night and 1 marsh wren.
    Best Birding! NearTheFastWater.com
    Bethi Carver

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