[EBB Sightings] E Contra Costa County Lark Bunting Continues

[EBB Sightings] E Contra Costa County Lark Bunting Continues

Mike Feighner
Sat Mar 03 14:46:05 PST 2007
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    This morning I arrived at about 9:10 AM at Falcon and Armstrong Roads
    finding one birder departing leaving John March and George Finger and me
    behind to continue the pursuit.  Today very few sparrows were present with
    maybe a half dozen Savannah Sparrows and a couple White-crowned Sparrows
    making their appearance, disappearance, and reappearance for more than an
    hour until about 10:15 AM when I called John and George over to check out
    the Lark Bunting now finally visible at the back end of the small
    pond/puddle to the left of the rock pile.  We watched the female Lark
    Bunting on and off for over the next 15 minutes or so until we were ready to
    depart when two other birders drove up asking about the Lark Bunting.  This
    was actually my fifth try.  I seem to have always attempted to look for the
    Lark Bunting on days when the bird was being seen either the day before or
    the day after when I was there.
    Also present were one Rough-legged Hawk, one Ferruginous Hawk, one Northern
    Harrier, and immature Golden Eagle, and a couple Tree Swallows.  I had tried
    for the Short-eared Owls again but failed to find them this time.
    Under the I-580/Grantline Rd overpass in neighboring Alameda County a couple
    White-throated Swifts were present.
    Mike Feighner, Livermore, CA, Alameda County

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