[EBB Sightings] Directions to Crockett "Hawk Hill"

[EBB Sightings] Directions to Crockett "Hawk Hill"

Fri Mar 30 16:35:04 PDT 2007
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Raptors at Crockett Hills 3/30
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    I spent today with Harv Wilson as he was doing the raptor count.  The
    number of raptors we saw per hour were truly impressive.  There wasn't a
    moment when there weren't at least 3 to 6 or more raptors in the air. 
    (Harv will be posting the Friday count soon).  We were seeing about 100
    raptors per hour, and approximately 1 accipiter every 10 minutes.  Mostly
    Red-tails followed by TVs, N. Harriers, Cooper's, White-tailed
    Kites,Sharp-shins, Kestrels, and 1 Osprey.
    Here are some precise directions to this spot.
    Take Highway 4 toward Crockett.  Take the Crockett exit and turn toward
    Crockett. You are now on the Cummings Skyway(There is no Cummings Skyway
    street sign).  In approx. 2 miles, you will pass a stop light (Crockett
    Blvd.).  Don't turn but continue on Cummings Skyway about 1/2 mile until
    you see the first large gravel pullout on your right. Park here. There is
    room for at least 20 cars.
    Walk across the highway.  On your right, you will see an old dirt
    road--head to this dirt road--you'll pass an abandoned couch on your
    right.  At the gate, you will be able to pass under the barbed wire fence
    through a hole on your left. There is a board holding one of the wires
    down.  Once through the fence, you'll encounter a dirt road that parallels
    the fence.  Turn left on the dirt road and head up the hill.  About
    halfway up the hill (about a 4 to 5 minute walk), you will pass a lone oak
    tree on your right.  Exit the trail to your right once you pass this oak
    tree and head down the ridge a few hundred yards.  You will see a fence in
    the near distance with several long piles of wood stacked parallel against
    the fence.  Hike about half way toward this fence from the dirt road you
    just left and find a comfortable place to sit.  It is about an 8 to 10
    minute walk from where you park.
    I recommend bringing a light-weight chair.  I brought my scope along with
    my binoculars and used both about equally.  I brought a lunch--make sure
    you pack something you can eat with one hand since your other hand will be
    used to look at raptors that never stop appearing.
    Map:  http://www.ebparks.org/resources/pdf/trails/carq_crockett_map.pdf
    Happy Raptoring!
    --Ted R.--

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