[EBB Sightings] more about the Delta Trip

[EBB Sightings] more about the Delta Trip

Phila Rogers
Sat Feb 17 16:12:19 PST 2007
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] tufted duck and redhead at Lake Merritt
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    Hi Ronn:
    After telling my daughter about the wonderful trip yesterday, she would
    like to have a similar experience.  Do you have any "open days" soon?
    Her name is Susan Mayfield and she lives on 14-mile slough.  Her email
    is:susan.dollarsaver at yahoo.com.
    Phila Rogers
    Dear Birders:
    Once again Bob Lewis put together a rewarding birding trip. Originally
    scheduled for the previous Friday and cancelled because of rain,
    yesterday offered up the best of early spring weather.  Thirty of us
    spread out over the boat and even before leaving the Antioch Marina
    were rewarded with close looks at Moorhens, the males with their
    vermillon beaks, a Green Heron standing among the rushes and a bevy(?)
    of five river otters who chatted back and forth in small bird- like
    We travelled east, sometimes with levees close on either side, other
    times acrossa open water but always with the double bulk of Mount
    Diablo as a point of reference in the flat, watery landscape.  Ahead,
    on this clear day, the Sierra Nevada range revealed white snow under
    the edge of the clouds.
    The best birding views were from the upper deck where Bob directed our
    attention to the various birds along the way.  The largest numbers were
    the geese, shorebirds, and the long-legged Sand Cranes feeding in the
    fields beyond the levees.  Seven species of raptors (see Bob's list)
    are always abundant in this rodent-rich landscape. Both returning Tree
    and Cliff Swallows always give the sky a certain liveliness.
    At the helm, Captain Ronn who knows the Delta intimately, provided not
    only specific information about bird and plant life (two copies of
    Sibley are at the ready on the shelf about the wheel) but fastinating
    information about the Delta itself.  
    Stepping into the cabin is like entering a well-stocked natural history
    library, and a welcome refuge from the bright, breezy open decks.  Come
    June Ronn will take his boat up the coast for a series of natural
    history trips in Alaska's Inland Passage after some day trips up the
    Petaluma and Napa Rivers.
    We won't tell. Get more on shows you hate to love 
    (and love to hate): Yahoo! TV's Guilty Pleasures list.

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