[EBB Sightings] Tufted Duck and Hooded Merganser in Oakland

[EBB Sightings] Tufted Duck and Hooded Merganser in Oakland

Bob Battagin
Tue Feb 13 14:38:25 PST 2007
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] tufted duck at lake merritt
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    Hi EBBers,
    The following sightings were made this morning in the water channel that 
    connects Lake Merritt with the Oakland Inner Harbor.  This water channel is 
    labeled as Channel Park and Peralta Park in my Delorme Atlas.
    In the section of channel between 10th and 12th Streets there was a male 
    HOODED MERGANSER.  Also hanging out there was the HOODED MERGANSER X 
    BARROW'S GOLDENEYE hybrid first found at Lake Merritt in 2004.
    In the section of channel closest to the 880 freeway a TUFTED DUCK was in 
    the company of many Scaup snoozing on the northern grassy bank.  Apparently 
    I observed this Tufted Duck at about the same time that Josh Bennett 
    observed a Tufted Duck at the northeast end of Lake Merritt (see Josh's EBB 
    9:48AM listing for today).  Possibly there are two Tufted Ducks at Lake 
    Merritt now.
    An Egyptian Goose was in this channel this morning.  I usually see this 
    goose in the vicinity of the Nature Center.  Also of note was that there 
    were 71 Common Goldeneye and 12 Barrow's Goldeneye along the length of the 
    channel....quite a few.
    Good birding,
    Bob Battagin
    Oakland, CA 

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