[EBB Sightings] Heather Farms. Yellow-shafted Flicker

[EBB Sightings] Heather Farms. Yellow-shafted Flicker

Marilyn Trabert
Mon Feb 26 11:44:48 PST 2007
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    Eight intrepid friends and I looked for the Redhead and Ring-necked  
    Duck in the rain this morning at Heather Farms -- alas, to no avail.   
    However we were treated to a Yellow-shafted Flicker, which we watched  
    first on a bare tree and later again picking something out of the  
    grass, probably ants.  We also saw a Red-breasted Sapsucker on a  
    poplar tree, Bufflehead on the pond, Fox Sparrow, and several other  
    species until most of us were soaked and finally gave up.
    Marilyn Trabert
    Walnut Creek

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