[EBB Sightings] Ano Nuevo-BE CAREFUL

[EBB Sightings] Ano Nuevo-BE CAREFUL

Wed Jan 10 18:53:23 PST 2007
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    Until this can get posted to CalBirds, I'm going to list it here, though it's out of our county.  I went over to Ano Nuevo today to the warblers at the brussel sprout dump.  Truely amazing to see the numbers of birds and the rarities, not to mention the smell.  BUT, when another birder and I walked out to our cars, nicely parked along Hwy 1 in clearl view of the road, we found our windows smashed in.  My birding backpack was taken, and he had a pair of jeans stolen.  Clearly petty vandalism, but unpleasant none-the-less.  This was about noon today, and we had been there about 2 hours.  First time this has ever happened to me, but thought it should be reported.
    On a more pleasant note, here's what we saw:
    100+ Townsend's Warbler's within touching distance
    Millions of RC Kinglets, including one male with a permanent red crown
    1Female Hooded Warbler
    3Common Yellowthroats
    1Immature Redstart
    1White-Throated Sparrow
    Lincoln's Sparrows
    WC and GC Sparrows
    Red-winged Blackbirds
    Tricolored Blackbirds
    Brewer's Blackbirds
    It's truely a scene.  Makes you want to put out rotting Brussel Sprouts in the yard for the next fall migration.  Your neighbors will love you.
    Patricia Bacchetti

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