[EBB Sightings] Jewel Lake

[EBB Sightings] Jewel Lake

Phila Rogers
Wed Jan 31 16:12:54 PST 2007
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    Dear Birders:
    This morning a friend and I took the Packrat Trail which traverses the
    upper part of the northeast-facing slope in the Jewel Lake area.  She
    wanted to see a Varied Thrush.  We were generously rewarded.  As
    reported before, every other bird was a Varied Thrush so we had good
    looks at both males and females.  She was elated and so was I.  Other
    birds seen or heard included a Brown Creeper spirally up an oak,
    Spotted Towhee, several Hermit Thrushes, Steller's Jay, Raven,
    Red-shoulded Hawk, and a Winter Wren. 
    Dropping down to Jewel Lake which is once again milk-chocolate colored
    after the recent showers, we found several buffleheads, both male and
    female. Two Ring-necked Ducks -- a male and female -- could be observed
    close at hand instead of in a distant cove where they're usually found
    at nearby Lake Anza.  At the south end of the lake stood two egrets --
    the Great Egret and a smaller bird which appeared to be the Snowy Egret
    though it was partly-obscured by vegetation.
    Spring is showing itself already on this last day of January.  Many of
    the willows have catkins and above the Packrack trail under the oaks a
    rare Western Leatherwood (Dirca occidentalis), native only to the Bay
    Area coastal counties is showing its yellow flowers.
    Phila Rogers
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