[EBB Sightings] Yet another Hermit Thrush

[EBB Sightings] Yet another Hermit Thrush

Mon Dec 11 13:18:37 PST 2006
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    To add more to the Hermit Thrush yard birds:  I've had a very visible and active Hermit Thrush busy with the toyon  and currant berries in my north hills Oakland yard for a month.  It likes to perch on a post in full view, then jump up and snatch the berries from the shrubs.  This is the second year I've had one in the yard.  In the last 2 weeks, the full compliment of winter birds has appeared in the yard-Fox Sparrow, Song Sparrow, the crowned sparrows (still waiting for a White-Throated to no avail), Bewick's Wren, RC Kinglet, Oak Titmice, Bushtits, and many many Juncos. The occassional Flicker and Nuttall's join the crowd some days.  They join the usual resident Cal Towhees, House Finches, CB Chickadees, both Goldfinches,  doves, Anna's Hummers, and both Jays.  The feeders need to be refilled every other day now. A Kestrel made a sweep through the other day, and I've had a Cooper's Hawk lurking in the  Big-Leaf Maple, much to the surprise of my cats.  Planting native plants on t
    he hill has dramatically increased my bird residents over the last 3 years as the yard has matured.  I love just sitting and watching out my windows. 
    Pat Bacchetti

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