[EBB Sightings] Re: Berkeley Marina Rock Wren

[EBB Sightings] Re: Berkeley Marina Rock Wren

Ted Robertson
Fri Nov 17 10:32:23 PST 2006
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Berkeley Marina
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    On Oct. 3rd, around mid-day when the tide was at 3 feet, I spotted a 
    Rock Wren on the exposed rocks along the eastern shore of Shorebird 
    Park located between the Adventure Play Ground and Hs Lordship's 
    Restaurant. (Park is about 100 yds. southeast of the pier.)  This 
    rock Wren was fairly tame in his behavior, allowing me good looks 
    from 20 feet away for several minutes.  In fact, this was the closest 
    Rock Wren I've ever encountered, most of my past Rock Wren sightings 
    are with a powerful scope from 200-300 yards away.
    At 5:48 PM +0000 11/17/06, jack hayden wrote:
    >Thought I'd give a look this morning for the Rock Wren reported 
    >earlier, but to no avail.  I walked along the marina from berth L 
    >west to the marina boat entrance and then over to the pier.  Didn't 
    >see it.  I did see a Common Murre by the boat entrance and a 
    >Cooper's Hawk by berth L.  Happy birding, Jack
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    Ted Robertson
    Phone: (510) 642-4087
    Fax: (510) 642-1055
    Lawrence Hall of Science
    University of California 
    Berkeley, CA 94720-5200 
    url: lawrencehallofscience.org

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