[EBB Sightings] Berkeley shore Friday

[EBB Sightings] Berkeley shore Friday

Alan Howe
Sat Oct 28 15:40:01 PDT 2006
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Albany Waterfront: Brant, Cackling Goose
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    Hi, all.
      Spent some time at Berkeley Aquatic Park and in the
    wooded area east of the pier yesterday afternoon.
      I was rather surprised to discover a dead marbled
    godwit along the side of the frontage road between
    I-80 and the northern pond. It didn't show obvious
    signs of predation, which I would have expected with
    its being that far from the pond shore.
    Others seen: 
    yellow-rumped warbler (of course they're just about
         place I go these days),
    snowy egret,
    great egret,
    American coot,
    black-necked stilt (a whole flock resting in the 
      shallows, with one or two juveniles stumbling around
      on the uneven pond bottom),
    godwit (alive),
    miscellaneous other peeps, 
    brown pelican,
    belted kingfisher,
    pied-billed grebe,
    horned grebe,
    Forster's tern,
    black phoebe,
    green heron (hiding in bushes).
    Over near the pier:
    chestnut-backed chickadee,
    red-shafted flicker (definite red underwing, but with
      both red malar & red on nape. Is this unusual?
      notes that red-shafted lacks the nape, whereas  
      yellow-shafted has it and no malar),
    house finch,
    California towhee,
    red-breasted nuthatch (possible--just had a quick 
    ruby-crowned kinglet? (bill seemed longer and eye ring
    more prominent than shown in Sibley).
      Enjoy this gorgeous weather!
    Alan Howe
    North Oakland
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