[EBB Sightings] Lake Temescal

[EBB Sightings] Lake Temescal

Alan Howe
Thu Sep 14 19:32:53 PDT 2006
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    Hi, all.
      I spent a pleasant hour or two at the lake yesterday
    afternoon--and a fair amount of that time was spent
    trying to get good looks at all the little birds
    flitting around in the willows, oaks and other stuff
    at the south end of the lake, near the picnic table at
    the split rock. So a couple of these IDs are slightly
    pied-billed grebe,
    American coot, 
    black phoebe,
    Brewer's blackbird,
    rock dove/pigeon,
    Steller's jay,
    scrub jay,
    savannah (Belding's) sparrow,
    Lincoln's sparrow,
    Wilson's warbler,
    Nashville warbler (?),
    chestnut-backed chickadee,
    black-crowned night heron,
    kingfisher (juvenile).
    Take care,all.
    Alan Howe
    North Oakland
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