[EBB Sightings] Summer's End

[EBB Sightings] Summer's End

Tue Aug 29 09:07:32 PDT 2006
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    Summer ended in a foggy whimper for us, at least compared to past years, but 
    we did manage a few unusual sightings.   On the 15th, a Peregrine stormed the 
    Albany mudflats, and on the 17th, we found two more Ruddy Turnstones and 
    another Red-necked Phalarope along the rocky beach between the Berkeley Meadow and 
    the racetrack.   Several Elegant Terns were flying off of Cesar Chavez Park 
    that morning, and a Warbling Vireo and Black-headed Grosbeak were in the willows 
    in the Meadow.
    On the 22nd, a Pelagic Cormorant and a Wilson's Warbler provided some unusual 
    juxtaposition on the Albany Bulb, and on the 23rd, a White-breasted Nuthatch 
    wandered westward into Tilden, where we also saw at least four Western 
    Tanagers that day.   On the 24th, we had still another Ruddy Turnstone south of the 
    racetrack, and a juvenile Common Murre near the Seabreeze.   We were able to 
    study the live murre at close range while making comparisons with a dead murre 
    lying at our feet.   On the 25th, three Great Horned Owls made up for their 
    previous dearth during August up on Vollmer Peak in Tilden.
    This was my tenth year of providing summer camp in the EB while 
    simultaneously keeping track of birds along our routes.   For the first time in that 
    decade, we completely missed Northern Harrier, California Quail, and Ash-throated 
    Flycatcher, while missing for the second time, Clark's Grebe and MacGillivray's 
    Warbler.   We also had unusually few Am White Pelicans, woodpeckers except for 
    Nuttall's, and Lazuli Buntings.
    Species whose numbers were above our norm were; Brown Pelican, Green Heron, 
    Osprey, Black Turnstone, and Hermit Warbler.   We found Hermits in Tilden every 
    week since I first reported them on 7/19.
    That's it for '06,
    Brian Fitch & crew
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