[EBB Sightings] Fwd: Request for banded Purple Martin sighting reports

[EBB Sightings] Fwd: Request for banded Purple Martin sighting reports

patrick king
Mon Aug 21 08:47:15 PDT 2006
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    ...forwarded to list by administrator..
    >From: "Kelsey Low" 
    >Subject: Request for banded Purple Martin sighting reports
    >Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2006 10:25:53 -0500
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    >X-OriginalArrivalTime: 21 Aug 2006 15:25:58.0526 (UTC) 
    >X-Virus-Scanned: by amavisd-new at ucpress.edu
    >I work for the BC Purple Martin Stewardship and Recovery Program, an 
    >organization concerned with the conservation of Purple Martins 
    >(Progne subis) in British Columbia, Canada. For the past 10 years we 
    >have banded most of the Martin nestlings born in BC every summer. 
    >Despite all the banding work we have done over the past decade, we 
    >still don't know much about west coast migration. There have been 
    >some banded BC birds (including a few hatching year birds) seen at 
    >still-occupied colony sites in WA in late summer, plus a few early 
    >fledged young. Apart from that and a couple of coastal sightings in 
    >OR and northern CA, they just seem to disappear - my guess is they 
    >are mostly tree-roosting and not visiting colony sites in migration. 
    >Even with the numbers this year there are only about 3000 BC birds 
    >(~2700 banded remaining from all years) plus another 4000 from WA 
    >(~600 banded) heading south, spread over several weeks. Western 
    >Purple Martins probably migrate through the western states, Mexico, 
    >and into South America (possibly to Brazil), but we need band 
    >recovery data to confirm that. Is it possible for us to post a 
    >notice on your mailing list asking for reports of banded Martins?
    >We are interested in any information people can give us about the 
    >birds, though our main concern is band data. If someone sees a 
    >banded Martin, we would like to know if the bird was alive or dead 
    >when sighted, and if possible the gender and general age (SY or 
    >ASY). For identification we need: the full number-letter code of the 
    >coloured leg band (which can be read at close range with a spotting 
    >scope), the band colour and which leg it was on, and/or the number 
    >of the silver aluminum federal band if the bird is captured or found 
    >dead. Partial information for colour band sightings (colour, leg, 
    >partial code) is also useful but may not allow full identification. 
    >The coloured bands we have used are red, white, orange, or yellow 
    >plastic, and gold or blue metal. The plastic bands have a number up 
    >to three digits, while the metal bands have a "BC" prefix, a three 
    >digit number, and a letter. Birds banded in Washington State have 
    >similar metal bands (orange or green) with a "WA" prefix, a letter, 
    >and a three digit number.
    >Any information about communal roosting sites, numbers of birds 
    >seen, or dates when migrating Purple Martins passed through would 
    >also be appreciated. Of course, all reports should include the date 
    >and location of the sighting, and some personal contact information 
    >(email, address, etc.). Reports can be in English or Spanish, and 
    >can be sent by email to:
    ><'"http://by107fd.bay107.hotmail.msn.com/cgi-bin/compose?curmbox=D3808E82-7544-4EBE-903A-6D099ABEB79C&a=f5dd308bec331987d7bffe2356d50305401f81c9c5023ffdffd3bbbfddb55955&mailto=1&to=pmartin_bands at georgiabasin.ca&msg=F1F24078-8A33-4BA1-BBDB-E2C948004549&star>pmartin_bands at georgiabasin.ca
    >Or by regular mail to:
    >133 - 4176A Departure Bay Road
    >Nanaimo, BC, Canada
    >V9T 4V7
    >Our phone number is:
    >(250) 758-2922
    >Thank you,
    >- Kelsey Low

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