[EBB Sightings] Hayward Reg. Shoreline -- Saturday afternoon

[EBB Sightings] Hayward Reg. Shoreline -- Saturday afternoon

Juan-Carlos Solis
Mon Aug 14 23:33:47 PDT 2006
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    Today at  Hayward RS' entrance by the San Mateo Bridge some interesting sightings were 15 elegant terns, 4 Bonaparte's gulls, lesser and greater yellowlegs feeding toghether, and a few N shovelers, and pintails
    ----- Original Message ----
    From: Bob Power 
    To: ebbsightings ebbsightings 
    Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2006 5:54:41 PM
    Subject: [EBB Sightings] Hayward Reg. Shoreline -- Saturday afternoon
    Hi all:
    Debbie Viess, Rusty Scalf, David Wimpfheimer and I
    took in Frank's Dump this afternoon at high tide. It
    was impressive. Always impressive. 
    Rusty estimated the Red Knots at 1200.
    I estimated the Black-bellied Plovers at 1800.
    Debbie had 23 Least Terns.
    David had 12 Surfbirds.
    I believe there were 6 Ruddy (at least two of which
    were in bright, bright breeding plumage) and 2 Black
    Turnstones, but we were gawking at the Red Knots.
    Rusty found a Whimbrel. 
    Short-billed Dowitchers, Least and Western Sandpipers,
    Semipalmated Plovers, Avocets..... hey, where'd the
    Stilts go? I think they were there, but we were
    gawking at the Red Knots. And the Surfbirds. And did I
    mention the Least Terns?
    Yes, there were marbled godwits, and long-billed
    Curlews and Willets. and Forster's Terns, a distant
    heat-shimmered hulk of an Osprey, a fly-by juvenile
    Northern Harrier.
    And there were Red Knots.
    Good birding,
    Bob Power
    Oakland, CA
    Frank's Dump is a large depressed mudflat at the north
    end of Hayward Regional Shoreline.  To get there, take
    880 to Winton Ave exit. Go west on Winton to the end
    and park in the regional park parking area. Walk 1/2
    mile west to the bay. walk another 1/2 mile east and
    Frank's dump is on your right, just east of the
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