[EBB Sightings] wings over Oakland

[EBB Sightings] wings over Oakland

debbie viess
Sat Jun 10 09:15:16 PDT 2006
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] RIP Howard Cogswell
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    This morning, I was intrigued by a big flock (over a
    dozen) of bushtits feeding in the big, buggy brodiaea
    bush right outside of my dining room window; they were
    also bathing in the freshly watered grass. Although I
    am used to seeing them in number, I was surprised to
    see them in groups during the breeding season. Perhaps
    it was just a couple of post-fledged families that
    hooked up for safety in numbers? Hard to tell. The
    juveniles are essentially identical to the adults,
    except the juvenile females have dark rather than
    yellow eyes (males always have dark eyes). Their flock
    included a lone chickadee.
    Two days ago at Huckleberry Preserve I observed
    chestnut-backed chickadees feeding fledges, and heard
    two Swainson's thrushes simu-singing. A Wilson's
    warbler was also singing, but no longer had a bright
    orange forehead; guess that we have passed the height
    of their breeding display.
    A cozy raven foursome over the Huck parking lot may
    well be the local pair and offspring observed there a
    couple of weeks ago. If so, the youngsters have
    drastically improved their flying skills; you go,
    As I meandered along the trail, my thoughts turned to
    my friend Howard Cogswell (I didn't yet know of his
    demise). He was an accomplished ear birder (unlike
    myself) and I always wished for his presence along
    this trail when I was perplexed by a song. Now I will
    never have that opportunity. But when you reach your
    ninth decade of life, your body can become more of a
    burden than a pleasure. I feel priviledged to have
    called him my friend, and rejoice that his spirit can
    now fly free with the birds that he so loved. 
    Debbie Viess

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