[EBB Sightings] Red-necked Phalarope

[EBB Sightings] Red-necked Phalarope

Fri May 19 14:33:31 PDT 2006
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    On 5/17 there was a lone beautiful female Red-necked Phalarope paddling  
    along and nibbling in the water,  parallel to the North boardwalk at  Watergate in 
    Emeryville.  Also that day in Emeryville, in the trees just  west of the 
    Police Dept. on Powell St., there was a small flock of Cedar  Waxwings .
    At Lake Merritt , yesterday about 2 PM, the Ross's Goose was still there on  
    the lawn with the Canada Geese,  just north of the playground near the  Nature 
    Center.  Across the way on the islands, the Egrets were putting on a  
    spectacular display with their breeding plummage, along with the nesting  
    Black-crowned Night-Herons and Cormorants.  More Cedar Waxwings in the  trees near the 
    big  fountain.
    Ed Tanovitz

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