[EBB Sightings] Jewel Lake

[EBB Sightings] Jewel Lake

Phila Rogers
Sun May 07 17:36:06 PDT 2006
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    Dear Birders:
    More than a month has gone by since my early April visit to Jewel Lake in 
    Tilden Park when we were still being soaked by late rainstorms.  Jewel Lake 
    was mud-colored and water flowed everywhere.  Now it's been three weeks 
    since any significant rain has fallen and though Wildcat Creek still flows 
    vigorously, the lake itself is slowly returning to the opaque green of 
    summer.  Water continues to spill over the dam but not in the earlier 
    thunderous cascade.
    The regular summer members of the Jewel Lake chorus are now assembled.  You 
    hear the rich contralto of the black-headed grosbeaks, and the mezzo-soprano 
    voice of the retiring Swainson's thrush whose high notes are reputed to 
    ascend beyond the range of human hearing. The Wilson's warbler make up for 
    richness and range by vigor and repetition.   Other voices come from groves 
    and thickets -- a warbling vireo, chestnut-backed chickadees, bush-tits, 
    wren-tits, song sparrows, orange-crowned warblers, Bewick's wrens, and from 
    the sky -- basso ravens and the red-shouldered hawks who are seldom quiet.
    The trail on the far side of lake is still wet and muddy in places.
    A large bay tree has fallen, bringing sky and sunlight into a formerly shady 
    place.  More changes than usual seem to have occurred this winter, mostly 
    because water-soaked hillsides have moved, bringing down big trees.
    Jewel Lake and its stream canyon, like most riparian habitants are truly 
    rich in bird life.  And it's one of those close-by places where at 6:00 am 
    you can hear a true 'dawn chorus.'  What a way to begin the day!
    Phila Rogers

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