[EBB Sightings] Mitchell Canyon Yellow-breasted Chat

[EBB Sightings] Mitchell Canyon Yellow-breasted Chat

Denise Wight
Fri May 05 19:19:05 PDT 2006
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    Hello E.B. Birders,
    At Mitchell Canyon in Mount Diablo State Park today,
    along White Canyon Road, the highlight was studying a
    Prickly Poppy up close, and realizing I was listening
    to a YELLOW-BREASTED CHAT.  After a bit of wait, I
    finally got to see the bird singing as it crept
    through the dense buckeye bushes, not more than 15
    feet away.  The was at about 3:30 pm.
    Take the main Mitchell Canyon trail from the parking
    lot, all the way to White Canyon on your right. Go
    uphill to where the chaparral is right next to the
    road on your right.  Pass the remains of a wooden and
    barbed wire fence on your right, and start to look for
    a lovely, large yellow and white prickly poppy in the
    chaparral. From the poppy, walk about 75 feet up the
    road.  You will see two gray pines across the creek to
    your left.  The Yellow-breasted Chat was about 20 feet
    downstream from the gray pine on your right.   
    All the Best Birding,
    Denise Wight
    Moraga, CA

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