[EBB Sightings] A very birdy morning on Emeryville Peninsula

[EBB Sightings] A very birdy morning on Emeryville Peninsula

Fri Apr 21 12:10:22 PDT 2006
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    Good Morning 
      Twas a very birdy morning on Emeryville Peninsula. Highlights include:
       At least two Common Loons - one fearlessly prowling the shore just 6 feet from the footpath.  
       Caspian Terns - fishing and, one couple at least, engaging in what I assume to be pair bonding flight-play.  
       Lots of American Goldfinch - perched and singing; flying and calling.  
       An Anna's Hummer collecting a beak-full of cotton fluff from a parking lot weed.  
       Some pretty dramatic looking Horned Grebes.  
       Lots of Least Sandpiper and two very sexy looking Western Sandpipers resplendent in their alternate plumage.
      A great day to test my new bino!
      Have a nice day.
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