[EBB Sightings] Backyard Drama

[EBB Sightings] Backyard Drama

Alan Howe
Thu Apr 20 18:19:14 PDT 2006
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Sandpipers ?
  • Next Message: [EBB Sightings] Flying the Coop(s)

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    Hi, all.
      When I went out to our kitchen to investigate a
    strange bumping noise as the light was just beginning
    to fade last night, I was greeted with a flurry of
    feathers outside on our deck. I then saw an adult
    male?I think?Cooper?s hawk sitting on a low branch and
    thought he had missed his prey. A few moments later,
    however, he was on a large branch of our walnut tree,
    vigorously tearing feathers and such from an adult
    mourning dove.
      Talk about mixed feelings! I love raptors and know
    they need to eat, but but the Coop's dinner may have
    been one of the dove pair that raised a brood under
    our eave earlier this spring and which we still enjoy
    watching at the feeder, etc. I guess it's not fair to
    the rock doves/pigeons around, but I found myself
    asking why it couldn't have been one of them.
      I guess that's life in the wild--or whatever you'd
    call my neck of North Oakland.
    Alan Howe
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