[EBB Sightings] Berkeley Meadow - Green Heron

[EBB Sightings] Berkeley Meadow - Green Heron

Robert Lewis
Fri Apr 14 21:50:55 PDT 2006
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] White-throated Sparrow
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    I led a Breeding Bird Survey training class at the Berkeley Meadow today
    (the part of the Eastshore State Park that is located at University and
    Frontage Road).  We confirmed a number of breeding birds, including Killdeer
    with two downy young, Brewer's Blackbird carrying nesting material, and
    Mallards with a few ducklings in tow.  But other interesting sightings
    included a Blue-winged Teal that has been reported here earlier (I'm sorry
    I've forgotten by whom) and a Green Heron which we saw fly into the northern
    part of the Meadow, then return to the willows along the diagonal path later
    in the morning.
    If you are interested in helping out with the ESSP bird census or Breeding
    Bird Survey, log onto the Golden Gate Audubon web site at
    goldengateaudubon.org and check the home page on the lower right for the
    ESSP census information.  It's fun to do!  Or if you do happen to see
    evidence of nesting birds in the park, it would be helpful if you reported
    it here, or sent me an e-mail.  Thanks!
    Bob Lewis
    Berkeley, CA
    RLewis0727 at aol.com

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