[EBB Sightings] Carquinez Strait- Good Birding

[EBB Sightings] Carquinez Strait- Good Birding

David E.Diller
Fri Apr 07 09:51:25 PDT 2006
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    Hello Birders, 
      Before I start , let me mention belatedly I saw a Gray Whale from Martinez Reg Shoreline, 20 ft from the pier a week and a half ago, a little off topic but def. of interest to any EBB who loves nature all around- it was  a thrill!
      This a.m. from 7:50-9:25, I took a walk in Carquinez Strait Reg Shoreline from about 1/2 mile east of the barricade on Carquinez Scenic Dr all the way through to the western barricade and another 1/4 mile or so beyond toward Port Costa and back
      (maybe 3 miles rt) and had some very pleasant mud-free, traffic-free, rain-free birding:
      Lot's of singing:
      Wrentit- 2 seen, 3-4 heard
      Huttons Vireo- 2 seen and heard, 2 more heard
      Warbling Vireo- 1 seen and heard
      Orange-crowned Warbler-5 heard, 1 seen and heard
      Townsend's Warbler- 1 singing male seen
      Myrtle Warbler- alternate male seen(beautiful), plus one fem.
      GOLDEN EAGLE-1 distant, perched on power pole on ridge
      Bewick's Wren- very common
      W Scrub Jay-6
      Steller's Jay-2
      Western Bluebird-2
      M. Dove-3
      Oak Titmouse-2
      Chest-b Chickadee-2
      Cal Towhee-2
      Spotted Towhee-3
      Golden-c Sparrow-many
      White-c Sparrow-10
      Song Sparrow-2
      Cliff Swallow-lots
      Barn Swallow-2
      Tree Swallow-1
      Black Phoebe-1
      Acorn Woodpecker-2  only reliable place around Martinez to see these
      that i know of is just thru the cattle gate on the trail heading south from C. S. Drive,
      just east of the eastern barricade, walk in 20 yards, and look to your right at the tel/power poles , which serve as acorn granaries, the birds are there 75% of the time
      Greater Scaup- rafts of them in the strait
      Canada Geese-2
      Dc Cormorant-1
      Herring Gull-1
      House Finch-2
      Starling (yuk)-lots
      no hummers!
      no TV!
      David Diller
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