[EBB Sightings] Mitchell Canyon 4/29

[EBB Sightings] Mitchell Canyon 4/29

Laura Look
Sat Apr 29 21:29:21 PDT 2006
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Whited-throated Sparrow
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    We birded along the Mitchell Canyon Trail at Mt. Diablo SP today (Sat., 
    4/29) between about 8:40 am and 4:30 pm.  The birds were apparently not as 
    dense as described last weekend, but there were still a lot of good birds 
    Best birds were:
    Canada Goose (2 flyby - new bird for this location for us)
    Sharp-shinned Hawk (2)
    Golden Eagle
    Pacific-slope Flycatcher (2)
    Hammond's Flycatcher
    White-throated Swifts
    House Wren
    Swainson's Thrush (at least 8)
    Western Bluebird
    Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (pair nest-building)
    White-breasted Nuthatch (2)
    Hutton's Vireo (4)
    Warbling Vireo (2)
    Townsend's Warbler (3)
    Orange-crowned Warbler (2)
    Wilson's Warbler (2)
    Western Tanager
    Black-headed Grosbeak (at least 6)
    Lazuli Bunting (4 m)
    Purple Finch (2 f)
    There was also a probable Willow Flycatcher which we were unable to get 
    definitive looks at.
    Most of the Swainson's Thrushes were along the portion of the trail past 
    (south of) the branch with the White Canyon trail.  I actually stopped 
    counting.  I never thought I'd see the day when I would consider Swainson's 
    Thrush a trash bird. ;-)  Perhaps they are pushing through right now.
    The Olive-sided Flycatcher was seen about 4:15 pm flycatching from the 
    snags just north of the lower parking lot.  We were actually able to get 
    better looks by pulling into the horse trailer parking lot near the park 
    entrance.  From there, you can get very close to these snags and the 
    lighting is better at that time of the day.
    Ticks were plentiful.
    Good birding,
    Laura Look
    Pinole, CA

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