[EBB Sightings] Hayward shoreline tonight

[EBB Sightings] Hayward shoreline tonight

Debbi Brusco
Fri Apr 28 21:23:40 PDT 2006
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    I took a walk from the interpretive center up to the first bridge 
    after work today.
    Semipalmated Plovers (several, at least one was displaying what 
    appeared to be a territorial display, puffing himself up, taking "the 
    stance" and vocalizing a call that I haven't found yet, but is 
    closest to the chittering on the Peterson's Western Bird Song CD but 
    extended and with a long churring/purring at the end)
    Cliff Swallow (some stuffing their beaks with mud while fluttering 
    their wings ready to take off)
    Barn Swallow (some would land on the ground near the Cliff Swallows, 
    but just sit there doing nothing)
    Gadwall (including 3 then 4 females flying around together and 
    vocalizing, one plucked at another's wing or tail, but they stayed together)
    Canada Goose (a pair with 7 goslings whose bodies looked like big 
    fuzzy supermarket chickens; the parents hissed at a couple of 
    squirrels who got too close, and when I passed them on the way back 
    there was another adult pair with them)
    Snowy Egret
    Black Crowned Night Heron flyover
    Long Billed Curlew
    various peeps
    Black-bellied Plover (heard)
    American Avocet
    Marbled Godwit (many vocalizing a lot)
    Forster's Tern
    Ruddy Duck
    Northern Shoveler
    Northern Harrier
    Red-winged Blackbird
    European Starling
    Savannah Sparrow (also singing)
    Song Sparrow (heard)
    one Zonotrichia, I think Golden Crowned but ducked behind a bush too fast
    I didn't see Whimbrel like I did on 4/18 but they could have been there.
    Debbi Brusco

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