[EBB Sightings] Castle Rock - peregrines & eagles

[EBB Sightings] Castle Rock - peregrines & eagles

Sun Mar 19 22:20:04 PST 2006
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    I went to Castle Rock Regional Park today to watch Peregrine Falcons, and they did not disappoint 
    --- the best viewing was just after the main trail enters Mt. Diablo State Park.
    White-throated Swifts and Violet-green Swallows were present in numbers, and there were a few 
    Cliff Swallows. While staring upwards at the falcons, I was lucky to see an immature Bald Eagle, 
    and an adult Golden Eagle. One of the picnic areas along the trail held a small flock of Lark 
    Sparrows. There were Orange-crowned Warblers singing all along the trail.
    good birding,
    Chris Witt
    Christopher C. Witt
    Museum of Vertebrate Zoology
    3101 Valley Life Sciences Bldg.
    University of California
    Berkeley, CA 94720-3060

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