[EBB Sightings] Red-necked Grebe continues at Shadow Cliffs RP, ALA Co.

[EBB Sightings] Red-necked Grebe continues at Shadow Cliffs RP, ALA Co.

Fri Mar 17 11:30:02 PST 2006
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    Greetings EBB'ers,
    On 15 March 2006, this week, with Bill  Rose, I saw the RED-NECKED GREBE off 
    the southeast shore of the main lake; not  associating with nearby Western or 
    Pied-billed Grebes. As reported earlier, the  reddish on the neck indicated 
    some progress toward alternate plumage.  
    Along with the Osprey, perched on a far east shore snag, some of  the other 
    birds seen or heard (h) around the main lake (10:25 - 11:15 AM)  included: 
    Clark's Grebe (1)
    Double-crested Cormorant  (10+)
    Canada Goose  (50+/- (including lawn)
    Mallard (7) 
    Greater  (?) Scaup (1 f.)
    Bufflehead (8+)
    Ruddy Duck (18+)
    American Coot  (10+/-)
    Belted Kingfisher (1)
    Loggerhead Shrike  (1h)
    Hutton's Vireo (1)
    Western Scrub-Jay
    American Crow (6+)
    Common  Raven (1)
    Tree Swallow (15+)
    Northern Rough-winged Swallow (2 - PEG only,  1st of season here?)
    Barn Swallow (1 - PEG only, but reported  earlier)
    Ruby-crowned Kinglet (1)
    European Starling  (I)(4+)
    Yellow-rumped Warbler ("Audubon's") (2)
    White-crowned Sparrow  (10+/-)
    Red-winged Blackbird (10+)
    Brewer's Blackbird (8+)
    No  Great-tailed Grackle was seen, although a call was possibly heard. This 
    is where  they have nested for about 5 years.
    Note: there is a $6.00 Park fee (if  one returns before 20 minutes, you get a 
    refund, by arrangement).
    My route  was SR 680 > Santa Rita (south) > Valley (NE) > Stanley (N) > 
    Shadow  Cliffs RP - park at will. 
    Note:  While scouting a field trip for my  Acalanes Bird Class in Contra 
    Costa County, 15 March 2006, a pair of WOOD DUCKS  were found in San Ramon Creek 
    from the bridge (south side) on El Portal Rd.,  Danville (north boundary, just 
    off Danville Blvd.), ca. 10 AM. 
    Happy  Birding
    Phil Gordon
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    Rose, I saw the RED-NECKED GREBE off the southeast shore of the main lake; n=
    associating with nearby Western or Pied-billed Grebes. As reported earlier,=20=
    reddish on the neck indicated some progress toward alternate plumage.=20
    the other birds seen or heard (h) around the main lake (10:25 - 11:15 AM)=20

    Clark's Grebe (1)
    Double-crested Cormoran= t=20 (10+)
    Canada Goose  (50+/- (including lawn)
    Mallard (7)
    Great= er=20 (?) Scaup (1 f.)
    Bufflehead (8+)
    Ruddy Duck (18+)
    American Coot=20 (10+/-)
    Belted Kingfisher (1)

    Loggerhead Shrike=20 (1h)
    Hutton's Vireo (1)
    Western Scrub-Jay
    American Crow (6+)
    Com= mon=20 Raven (1)
    Tree Swallow (15+)
    Northern Rough-winged Swallow (2 - PEG on= ly,=20 1st of season here?)
    Barn Swallow (1 - PEG only, but reported=20 earlier)
    Ruby-crowned Kinglet (1)
    European Starling=20 (I)(4+)
    Yellow-rumped Warbler ("Audubon's") (2)
    White-crowned Sparrow=20 (10+/-)
    Red-winged Blackbird (10+)
    Brewer's Blackbird (8+)

    No=20 Great-tailed Grackle was seen, although a call was possibly heard. This is w= here=20 they have nested for about 5 years.

    Note: there is a $6.00 Park fee (= if=20 one returns before 20 minutes, you get a refund, by arrangement).
    My rout= e=20 was SR 680 > Santa Rita (south) > Valley (NE) > Stanley (N) > Sh= adow=20 Cliffs RP - park at will.

    Note:  While scouting a field trip fo= r my=20 Acalanes Bird Class in Contra Costa County, 15 March 2006, a pair of WOOD DU= CKS=20 were found in San Ramon Creek from the bridge (south side) on El Portal Rd.,= =20 Danville (north boundary, just off Danville Blvd.), ca. 10 AM.

    Happy= =20 Birding
    Phil Gordon

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