[EBB Sightings] Sibley. CA Thrashers & Golden Eagles

[EBB Sightings] Sibley. CA Thrashers & Golden Eagles

Marilyn Trabert
Mon Mar 13 22:32:01 PST 2006
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    This morning between 9:45 a. m. and a little after noon, I enjoyed a  
    lovely birdwalk with a group of eight friends at Sibley Volcanic  
    Preserve in the Berkeley/Oakland hills.  It was cool with mostly  
    sunshine, quite a welcome change from recent wet weather.  We found  
    the singing CALIFORNIA THRASHER along the labyrinth trail, fairly  
    close to the area described earlier by Travis Hails.   The thrasher  
    appeared to be actively establishing its territory as it sang its  
    wonderful song, moving from the top of a bush, down again, then from  
    a nearby tree, gradually moving higher up the branches.  We viewed it  
    for several minutes before moving on.  We saw another thrasher  
    further down the same trail but it was feeding on the ground and not  
    singing.  We could hear their surprising "little-dog-barking" call  
    and were then treated to the sight of two GOLDEN EAGLES as they flew  
    overhead and then beyond.  Other highlights included GOLDEN-CROWNED  
    KINGLET, PYGMY AND RED-BREASTED NUTHATCH working the same tree, and  
    the lovely sound of singing PURPLE FINCH.  All in all, a delightful day.
    Marilyn Trabert
    Walnut Creek
    Number of species:     28
    Turkey Vulture     X
    Sharp-shinned Hawk     X
    Red-tailed Hawk     X
    Golden Eagle     2
    American Kestrel     X
    Band-tailed Pigeon     X
    Anna's Hummingbird     X
    Hairy Woodpecker     X
    Hutton's Vireo     X
    Steller's Jay     X
    Western Scrub-Jay     X
    Common Raven     X
    Chestnut-backed Chickadee     X
    Red-breasted Nuthatch     X
    Pygmy Nuthatch     X
    Bewick's Wren     X
    Golden-crowned Kinglet     X
    Ruby-crowned Kinglet     X
    American Robin     X
    Wrentit     X
    California Thrasher     2
    Yellow-rumped Warbler     X
    Townsend's Warbler     X
    California Towhee     X
    Song Sparrow     X
    Golden-crowned Sparrow     X
    Dark-eyed Junco     X
    Purple Finch     X
    This report was generated automatically by eBird v2 (http:// 

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