[EBB Sightings] Singing & Nesting

[EBB Sightings] Singing & Nesting

Travis Hails
Wed Mar 08 08:56:09 PST 2006
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    I read these postings about carrying nesting material.  It's Spring, and the birds are responding.
      Singing California Thrasher at Sibley Volcanic Regional Preserve.  Take the main road out of the parking lot, branch left toward the quarry.  The bird was north of the road (downhill side) almost at the junction.  He was not shy, stayed atop his bush as long as I was there.
      Mating Golden Eagles - also Sibley - Caught in the act, and I presume they will use the same nest as last year.
      Both Steller's Jay and Western Scrub-Jay are carrying nesting material, and also becoming more visible by occupying the tops of trees.
      American Robins are like Christmas ornaments in the trees as they sing and squabble for space.
      California Towhee - One is trying to claim a TV arial on the house next door.  Must fight off the Robins. 
      Cooper's Hawks - There is a Red-tail that frequently perches on the Redwoods in Oakland's Rose Garden.  Now it is only a few seconds and the resident pair of Cooper's Hawks show up to drive it off.
      Lake Merritt - Double-crested Cormorants nesting in the trees.  Snowy & Great Egrets in wedding finery.  
      Travis Hails
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    Cooper's Hawks - There is a Red-tail that frequently perches on the Redwoods in Oakland's Rose Garden.  Now it is only a few seconds and the resident pair of Cooper's Hawks show up to drive it off.
    Lake Merritt - Double-crested Cormorants nesting in the trees.  Snowy & Great Egrets in wedding finery. 
    Travis Hails

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