[EBB Sightings] Allen's copy error

[EBB Sightings] Allen's copy error

corinnelouise paff
Sun Feb 19 05:31:04 PST 2006
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] the Allen's are back!
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    when typing article for chronicle from original draft,
    mistakenly left out few words which changed
    meaning...omission slid past my brain when
    proofing...mortified to discover this after
    publication...... notified editor... original read:
       "In spring, migrating Allen's hummingbirds will sip
    nectar, other critters will eat the seeds of Lavatera
    assurgentiflora, and birds will use the mature plant
    for cover."......never known Allen's to eat seeds,
    nectar and insects the food sources I have heard...
    Corinne Louise
    ....great to see Allen's in Berkeley meadow....
    --- Alan Howe  wrote:
    > I spotted a male Allen's along the Berkeley "meadow"
    > trail in ESSP this afternoon--and wondered how he
    > and
    > his kin survive in this frigid weather.
    > I was there on what ended up being a proverbial
    > "snipe
    > hunt." Are you sure they're really out there? :-)
    > Among others seen:
    >   sparrows--golden and white crowned and ?
    >   redtail being harassed by a kestrel
    >   possible harrier, though it didn't seem a total
    > match
    >   Canada geese
    >   crows & maybe ravens 
    >  In the ponds:
    >    mallards
    >    American wigeons
    >    green-winged teal
    >    gadwall
    >    buffleheads
    >    coots.
    > Is it possible there were a few laughing gulls where
    > the stream empties behind the Seabreeze? I looked
    > and
    > looked in Sibley and laughing seemed one of the best
    > possibilities, but I'm reluctant to claim it. I
    > figure
    > someone will tell me they're something much more
    > common.
    > Stay warm out there!
    > Alan Howe
    > North Oakland
    > --- Linda Fishman Ott 
    > wrote:
    > > Got our first sighting of the return of a male
    > > Selasphorus to our 
    > > hummingbird feeder this morning. He was getting in
    > > short nips before the 
    > > resident male Anna's chased him away. It's going
    > to
    > > be another 
    > > entertaining Spring watching them vie for top
    > > honors. At our house, 
    > > sharing a feeder is never considered acceptable
    > > behavior.
    > > 
    > > When we were near Flaming Gorge in the mountains
    > > above Vernal, Utah this 
    > > past summer, we watched four different species
    > share
    > > the feeders outside 
    > > the restaurant windows at the lodge where we
    > stayed.
    > > Most of the eight 
    > > stations at each feeder was occupied at any one
    > > time. More hungry beaks 
    > > lined up behind the feeding hummers, hovering and
    > > displaying. And more 
    > > glittering bodies awaited their chance in the
    > bushes
    > > and trees nearby.
    > > 
    > > Linda Ott
    > > Martinez
    > > 
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