[EBB Sightings] Arrowhead Marsh at high tide

[EBB Sightings] Arrowhead Marsh at high tide

Tue Feb 28 14:51:06 PST 2006
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    Arrowhead Marsh in Oakland at high tide this morning:  Along the marsh =
    pier were the usual complement of rails.  Nine Clapper Rails, one Sora, =
    and one Virginia Rail.  Somewhat surprisingly, a Merlin stood on the end =
    of the pier for a time.  It departed to grab a sparrow-sized bird that =
    flew over the open water near the end of the pier, fly to a nearby tree, =
    and summarily consume it.  Finally, two Eurasian Wigeon were with a =
    large duck flock hanging out in the southwest vernal pool in the =
    mitigation area.
    Good birding,
    Bob Battagin
    Oakland, CA
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    tide this=20
    morning:  Along the marsh pier were the usual complement of =
    rails. =20
    Nine Clapper Rails, one Sora, and one Virginia Rail.  Somewhat=20
    surprisingly, a Merlin stood on the end of the pier for a time.  It =
    departed to grab a sparrow-sized bird that flew over the open water near =
    the end=20
    of the pier, fly to a nearby tree, and summarily consume it.  =
    Finally, two=20
    Eurasian Wigeon were with a large duck flock hanging out in the =
    southwest vernal=20
    pool in the mitigation area.

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