[EBB Sightings] N Waterthrush Continues in Berkeley

[EBB Sightings] N Waterthrush Continues in Berkeley

Laura Look
Thu Jan 19 14:26:08 PST 2006
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    The Northern Waterthrush continues in the very northeast corner of the 
    south pond at Berkeley Aquatic Park.  It took us about an hour to find the 
    bird.  He gave us good views for a few minutes, then went back into the 
    twiggy thicket along the water's edge furthest from the path and refused to 
    pose for photos.
    The Hooded Merganser pair continues in the middle pond.  The male spent the 
    time we were there resting on one of the pilings in the southeast corner of 
    the pond.
    Good Birding,
    Laura Look
    Pinole, CA

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