[EBB Sightings] Pombo

[EBB Sightings] Pombo

Richard Cimino
Thu Dec 29 20:31:07 PST 2005
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    Scott, Brian has already heard from me.
    GOOD, GREAT birders need to be informed,  to get out the voter based non
    Your spreading the word. Go Guys.
    After all birding is all about habitat.
    Oh yea if the chance arises again, don't forget to add special interest
    legislation to open theNatioanl Wildlife Refuge Farllon Islands to Ham
    Radio operators.
    > [Original Message]
    > From: Scott Restivo 
    > To: EBB 
    > Cc: Brian Zeiler ; Mary Krentz 
    > Date: 12/29/2005 8:10:14 PM
    > Subject: Re: [EBB Sightings] Pombo
    > This is decidely not a political mailing list, and I am sure the
    > will want to stick with bird sightings. That said, I will just add my 2
    > cents, then get back to birds:
    > Rep. Richard Pombo, Republican of District 11,  is rabidly
    > anti-environmental, almost to the point of obsession. Now he is head of
    > House Resources Committee and trying to pass some of the worst
    > legislation ever. See www.votepomboout.org for details.
    > Short summary: trying to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge,
    > off our coasts, sell off the national parks, open large tracts of the West
    > for oil shale strip-mining, passing a bill to gut the Endangered Species
    > Act, looking to overturn restrictions on toxic pesticides, belittling the
    > risks of mercury, and calling for the resumption of commerical whaling,
    > his latest campaign is to gut the National Environmental Policy Act.
    > There are several Dems running against him, and a Republican, former
    > congressman Pete McCloskey, will probably challenge him the primary. There
    > is also substantial grassroots opposition to him. It is tough to oust an
    > incumbent who can pull in so much money, but for the sake of all wildlife
    > and natural areas, Pombo is one who has to go.
    > Now, back to birds
    > Scott R.
    > ----- Original Message ----- 
    > From: "Mary Krentz" 
    > To: "Brian Zeiler" ; "EBB" 
    > Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2005 5:59 PM
    > Subject: Re: [EBB Sightings] Pombo
    > > Brian,
    > > I think it's good to let people know about this. Pombo has been behind
    > some
    > > of the worst environmental legislation of the last 5 years. Anyone
    > > interested in the environment should do all they can to defeat him.
    > > McInerney ran against him last time and did well considering it was
    then a
    > > conservative district. This time the district has changed a bit and many
    > > people will be walking precincts to support him or whoever the
    > > nominee is. Thanks for alerting people.
    > >
    > > ----- Original Message ----- 
    > > From: "Brian Zeiler" 
    > > To: "EBB" 
    > > Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2005 7:42 PM
    > > Subject: [EBB Sightings] Pombo
    > >
    > >
    > > > Well, not to get too political on this list, but many
    > > > of us on this list are honored to be represented by US
    > > > Rep. Pombo (R-CA) in the 11th district of CA, which
    > > > includes many parts of Contra Costa and Alameda
    > > > counties.  As most of you know, Pombo has been at the
    > > > forefront of both local as well as national news
    > > > regarding conservation.  Locally he is most known for
    > > > his staunch efforts to kill as many raptors as
    > > > possible with the wind turbines on his land.
    > > >
    > > > For those of you who oppose Pombo and his local and
    > > > national policies on conservation, the Defenders of
    > > > Wildlife is establishing a concerted effort to make
    > > > some noise about him.  The website is at:
    > > >
    > > > http://www.pombointheirpocket.org/
    > > >
    > > > Again, sorry to get political, but this is a
    > > > representative of the 11th district which includes
    > > > much of the East Bay, and his actions are affecting
    > > > the lives of birds in our area (as well as the lives
    > > > of all wildlife everywhere unfortunately).
    > > >
    > > > Brian Zeiler
    > > > Dublin CA
    > > >
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