[EBB Sightings] Point Emery/Berkeley Aquatic Park

[EBB Sightings] Point Emery/Berkeley Aquatic Park

Thu Dec 29 14:48:03 PST 2005
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    Hi all,
    When the sun came out on Wed. I decided to go out and see what I  could see.  
    Of particular interest:
    Point Emery-----A Brandt at the end of the point in the rocks  (outgoing 
    tide) preening and resting.  On the south side of the point  scurrying along the 
    mud and rocks------a Red Phalarope for about 2 min., then  flew away.  Also 
    seen---Whimbrels, Curlews, Willets, a Godwit, Avocets,  Snowy Egrets, and Gulls.
    At Aquatic Park in the middle pond toward the west side --a male  and a 
    female Hooded Merganser floating around,sleeping.
    Happy Holidays and birding , Ed Tanovitz
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    could see.  Of particular interest:
    (outgoing tide) preening and resting.  On the south side of the point=20
    scurrying along the mud and rocks------a Red Phalarope for about 2 min., the=
    flew away.  Also seen---Whimbrels, Curlews, Willets, a Godwit, Avocets,=
    Snowy Egrets, and Gulls.
    and a female Hooded Merganser floating around,sleeping.

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