[EBB Sightings] Palm Warbler in Oakland

[EBB Sightings] Palm Warbler in Oakland

Denise Wight
Sat Dec 10 14:04:08 PST 2005
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    Hi E. B. Birders,
    This morning, while scouting out my recently acquired
    sub-area for the Oakland Christmas Bird Count, Pat
    Bacchetti, Sue Cox, and I found a Palm Warbler.
    This bird was seen on 5th street, off Embarcadero,
    west of I-880 in Oakland.  The bird was in a leafless
    tree at the entrance to the last driveway on the
    right, just before the road dead-ended.  It then
    hopped to the ground and nearby shrubs.  Morning light
    made it very easy to see the bright yellow undertail
    coverts as the bird bobbed its back end.  The crown
    was faded chestnut and the overall plumage of the bird
    was rather dull.
    I will not be able to visit this area again before
    count day, so if anyone relocates this bird during
    count week, please post or  drop me a brief email
    about its continued presence.
    All the Best Birding,

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