[EBB Sightings] Arrowhead Marsh drama

[EBB Sightings] Arrowhead Marsh drama

Bruce Mast
Sat Dec 31 18:40:07 PST 2005
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    I joined Pamela Llewellyn and a number of birders to witness the spectacle
    of high tide at Arrowhead Marsh, near the Oakland Airport. The combination
    of wind, rain, and the sun and moon's gravity created flood conditions at
    the marsh. Water was almost up to the underside of the boardwalk, virtually
    every plant in the marsh was submerged and the shrubs along the shore were
    partly submerged and pounded by waves. The rails were understandably
    distressed. They paced the boardwalk, cowered underneath it, floated by on
    driftwood, swam around in the bay, and scurried around on the shore looking
    for cover. There wasn't much. I didn't attempt a rigorous count but it
    appeared to me there were easily 20-30 CLAPPER RAILS, a dozen VIRGINIA
    RAILS, and a half dozen SORAS. A MERLIN raced through a couple times and the
    second time he picked off a sparrow from the boardwalk. No Black Rails in
    evidence today but a gentleman reported seeing 2 yesterday. The shores were
    also crawling with Savannah and Song Sparrows, Marsh Wrens, and Common
    Yellowthroats, all just about as distressed as the rails. The wind and rain
    made sparrow watching a challenge so I couldn't rule out the possibility of
    a Sharp-tailed Sparrow in the bunch.
    A big flock of dabbling ducks on Mitigation Lake included 2 EURASIAN
    Bruce Mast
    Oakland, CA

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