[EBB Sightings] Eurasian Wigeon -- Albany Crescent

[EBB Sightings] Eurasian Wigeon -- Albany Crescent

Bob Power
Thu Nov 24 12:28:07 PST 2005
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    Hi all:
    Let's give thanks to spouses and significant others
    who encourage us to go goof off BEFORE we do the
    This morning, on my second annual BIG MORNING, there
    was one Eurasian Wigeon drake w/the Wigeon flock in
    the southeast corner mudflats at Albany Bowl.
    Phila asked about ducks a couple of weeks ago. They
    were between Marina Bay and Brooks Island today at 9
    a.m. 15,000 strong. Quite impressive. Dominated by
    Ruddy Ducks, the loose flock held Greater Scaup,
    Bufflehead, Western, Clark's, Eared, and Horned Grebe,
    but no rarities. 
    A 9:30 ray of sunlight illuminated Redheads
    beautifully on the bay at Ashby Ave.  And the 2nd to
    last bird of the morning was a Surfbird in the rocks
    betw. Ashby and Powell.
    Happy Thanksgiving,
    "No birds sang the whole time we were up there. I didn't see a thing.  I still dream about that trip though." Ted Parker, Northern Peru. 1978
    From: A Parrot Without A Name. Don Stap. Knopf, 1990
    Bob Power
    Oakland, CA
    Alameda County

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