[EBB Sightings] Lake Merritt in the rain

[EBB Sightings] Lake Merritt in the rain

Alan Howe
Mon Nov 07 23:53:09 PST 2005
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    Hi, all.
      I made a quick visit to the Lake late this
    afternoon, as it was getting dark and the rain moved
    in. The light made some ids tricky, but there were
    lots of our winter guests out there in the sanctuary.
    Among them were: buffleheads, Barrow's goldeneyes (I'm
    pretty sure), scaups (they were pretty far out and in
    the light I couldn't be sure whether greater or
    lesser), the Ross's goose (dark adult, right?),
    greater white-fronted goose--along with the usual
    residents-- Canada geese, mallards, Am. coots,
    black-crowned night herons, snowy egrets and d-c
      Just as it began to rain, I enjoyed wathing large
    flights of cormorants sweep in to roost in the tall,
    bare trees on the islands and egrets going to hide in
    trees with lots of foliage.
      No sign of the peregrine, but it was late.
      Yesterday--again as it was getting dark--I was down
    around Emeryville and saw large rafts of ruddies to
    the south of the peninsula along with some greater
    scaups and others I couldn't make out in the twilight.
    On shore were whimbrel and maybe a long-billed curlew
    (its bill wasn't as long as in Sibley, but the pattern
    on its scapulars was a good match), marbled godwits
    and various other peeps (perhaps including black
      North, near Emery Point, were the previously
    reported redheads.
    Take care,
    Alan Howe
    North Oakland
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